Cell and Tissue Imaging Core
The overall objective of the Cell and Tissue Imaging Core is to provide an integrated approach to investigate the structure and dynamic behavior of diabetes-related cells and tissues. By providing access to and technical support in using advanced cellular microscopy tools, the Cell and Tissue Imaging Core will accelerate the pace, expand the scope, and improve efficiency of diabetes research.
Diabetes Models Phenotyping Core
In vitro and cell culture approaches can provide important molecular insights into diabetes, and human studies can provide key observational clues about diabetes, but well-defined physiological models of diabetes are essential for bridging molecular understanding to human pathophysiology.
Mass Spectrometry Core
This Core provides rigorous mass spectrometry analyses to Diabetes Research Center (DRC) investigators that include quantification as well as structural characterization of diabetes-related biomolecules. The Core increases efficiency and cost effectiveness by providing centralized, standardized analyses to study molecular mechanisms of the pathogenesis of diabetes, its risk factors, and its complications. A major goal of the Core is to promote use of mass spectrometry methods in diabetes research by efforts in training, collaboration, development, service, and dissemination.
Metabolic Tissue Function Core
A major goal of the core is to assist DRC investigators in obtaining metabolic tissues, including β-cell lines, rodent and human primary islets, and iPSCs for differentiation into diabetes relevant tissues as well as β-cells. The Core will also assist investigators in conducting functional and metabolic analysis of cells and tissues relevant to the pathogenesis of diabetes. These goals are accomplished through consultations, provision of expert service, and access to state-of-the-art equipment.
Translational Diagnostics Core
The Translational Diagnostics Core provides a range of assays for human and animal hormones, peptides, and metabolites related to metabolic research. The Core is fully integrated into the high-volume Washington University Core Laboratory for Clinical Studies (CLCS).