Poster Winners for Diabetes Day Symposium 2019
The Diabetes Research Center is pleased to announce the Poster Prize winners of the Diabetes Day Poster Session held in the Eric P. Newman Education Center (EPNEC) at Washington University on November 7, 2019.
The Diabetes Research Center’s Annual Diabetes Day is designed to showcase outstanding recent developments in diabetes research and to foster new scientific collaborations among our members. Our judges were extremely impressed by the breadth and quality of work demonstrated by the presenters during the poster session. The poster session concluded with a talk by Dr. Maike Sander, “Metabolic Influence on pancreatic Beta Cells.”
The Prize Winners
First Place Basic Science Category
Jeremie Ferey, PhD (Diwan lab)
Second Place Basic Science Category
Sabine Daemen, PhD (Schilling lab)
First Prize Clinical/Translational Science
Margaret Nalugo, MD (Zayed lab)
Second Prize Clinical/Translational Science
Julia Dunn, MD